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Holy Family School, Cootehill, Co. Cavan

The tree is up!!

8th Dec 2023
What a week its been in Ash class we have been super busy!! The children loved decorating the tree, every child put an ornament on to represent themselves in the classroom. Mervin was very happy listening and dancing to the brass band that visited the school on Wednesday. Josh got to open the first door on our advent calendar and the children love watching the spinner to see who's name will come out each morning. Ashley and Phillip enjoyed their walk on these beautiful crisp mornings. Millie was so engaged and attentive during the attention autism bucket on Monday. She loves all the decorations in the classroom and the build up to Christmas. Conor was requesting lots of lifts and tickles this week and the giggles of him would put a smile on your face. We have our door decorated also, we think its super festive. Well done everyone, another great week with the best bunch!