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Holy Family School, Cootehill, Co. Cavan

Our Summer Holidays in Holly Class

In Holly Class, we decided that our June Topic would be "Our Summer Holidays". It was a beautiful sunny morning, when Holly class decided that they would make breakfast and have it outside as if we were on our holidays, we cooked rashers and sausages in French rolls and had tea and treats it was glorious. After a long discussion we decided as a class to investigate what it takes to schedule a holiday aboard. We began by looking at previous holidays and decided to write, illustrate and publish our very own class book on our holiday memories.  The Holly class considered the types of destinations we would like to take in the future, such as Beach Holidays, Theme Park Holidays, and Sightseeing Holidays. We then decided on four locations Iceland, Disneyland Florida, Indonesia, and Portugal. We orally discussed what clothes we needed and packed our cases in accordance with this, which currency was needed for each country researched and printed off our currency. We orally discussed modes of transport, Aeroplane, Ship, accommodation in which we would like to stay in and then the duration of our holiday. We created our own passports, boarding passes, booking forms and tick checklists. In our groups we looked cost of each holiday while discussing how we would pay for it. Holly Class looked at what animals we might see in these countries e.g., Monkeys, Parrots, Dolphins, Elephants and Walruses.  We then reached out to O' Hanrahan Travel in Monaghan, Mark and his colleagues were gracious in assisting us in booking our destinations and each student in Holly class received a gift package corresponding to their holiday destination. We opted to eat at McDonalds after a hard morning of planning our trips. In the last week of school, we put together all our information and made individual 3D models of what our holiday abroad would look like.