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Holy Family School, Cootehill, Co. Cavan

Our Shoes Appeal

14th Mar 2024
The pupils from Sparrow class have once again decided to be involved in the Our Shoes charity appeal this year. 

What types of shoes are the charity looking for?

The NGOs we work with in Africa, use recreation games and activities, alongside learning to get kids involved in education, hence we need sports shoes: 
General sneakers/trainers 👟
Soccer/GAA/Rugby Boots ⚽🏉
Not general purpose shoes ❌
It’s really important to make sure we only get the correct type and condition of the shoes we need, otherwise we will end up a huge number of shoes that are unsuitable.

So, if you have any shoes in good condition can you present them into school for the attention of Sparrow class.

And don't forget to tell your family,  friends and neighbours!!

Please click on rhe link below for more info: