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Holy Family School, Cootehill, Co. Cavan

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles

19th Oct 2023

It has been another very busy week in the classroom and the children are enjoying all the activities. The bubbles and sensory toys during relaxation in the afternoon are a massive hit with all the children. Its helps us to relax and regulate before going home. In life skills, we worked on pegging socks on the clothes line which the children were very capable of doing. In art, we our making Bats and Frankenstein characters out of recycled materials.  In literacy, we are learning all about the letter "T" and tracing the HWT worksheet on the interactive white board. Lots of learning in an environment that is warm, welcoming and meets the needs of the children. Josh was very happy completing some threading at his workstation developing his fine motor skills. Music Generation with Niamh was so much fun making lots of noise and singing our favourite songs. We can't wait for the big 50th celebrations next week!!