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Holy Family School, Cootehill, Co. Cavan

Healthy Lasagne and side salad in Sparrow class

25th Apr 2024

Nathan is in charge of making the white sauce so he measures the milk out carefully.
Nathan is in charge of making the white sauce so he measures the milk out carefully.
Toni is showing his Italian heritage with the garlic and onion preparations!
Toni is showing his Italian heritage with the garlic and onion preparations!
The layering of the mince, lasagne sheets and white sauce begins - everyone is great at taking turns.
The layering of the mince, lasagne sheets and white sauce begins - everyone is great at taking turns.
Just one more layer from Nathan, some cheese on top and it is ready for the oven!
Just one more layer from Nathan, some cheese on top and it is ready for the oven!
Toni has his lasagne with a side salad of baby lettuce leaves, tomatoes and coleslaw.
Toni has his lasagne with a side salad of baby lettuce leaves, tomatoes and coleslaw.
Nathan can't wait to get down to the dining hall to get stuck into his dish. I can't blame it, it looks fab!
Nathan can't wait to get down to the dining hall to get stuck into his dish. I can't blame it, it looks fab!