Halloween Brack made by Leaver's Class
24th Oct 2024
The finished product - It looks like a scary face in a Halloween pumpkin !
Kalem is melting his margarine on the hob in his saucepan - look how he has the handles to the side to stay safe. Good man Kalem.
Amy is in the process of putting the mixture into her cake tin ready for the oven. Great job, Amy!
After the margarine has been melted, we add the fruit, sugar and spices to the saucepan and bring it all to the boil. What a srange cake, suited perfectly to the spooky, strange goings on at Halloween.
Caolain is thinking - surely this can't be right. But it is Caolain so follow that recipe and it will turn out great!
Patricia is getting her brack ready for the oven too - well done young lady!
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